2009年5月5日 星期二

Many Stories-One Second

The main idea of this project is "many stories", which means we have to let many things happen within a middle sized wood panel.

I choose "one second" to be my topic. The second happened back to the time in my junior high school. In Taiwan, schools were always serious and strict. Students were not allowed to talk at all, and we didn't do any in-class discussion. All we had to do was listen to the teacher carefully. As you can imagine, that was really boring!!!!

So students turned out to be able to use time "efficiently". The precious seconds which the teacher turned to write on the blackboard was when we could do many interesting things. We passed secret notes, dozed off, played Gameboy, slide in and out the classroom quietly. However, there were always the principal or other teachers passed by the hallway, so we must be extremely watchful.

Although we didn't have a "free" school life, that's why it's such a nice memory.

6 則留言:

楊小栓 提到...

不知道你是畫了三張還是把後面兩張併在一起 :p
不過我原本以為你要畫的是越來越近的 XD

Yi-Jen 提到...


阿云 提到...


Yi-Jen 提到...

阿云!!!!當然有你啦!!!!我畫的時候一直在想我們畫的地圖還有紙條 笑死我了我好想再看依次地圖真的很智障

King 提到...


Yi-Jen 提到...

應該是XX認真和 學習XX啦